Working 9- 5, what a way to make a living. I hate those words Dolly sings.
Working in an office, I can’t put into words the misery it brings.
Boring old small talk, ‘Nice evening? Nice weekend? Nice lunch?
Listening to the office geek, you know the I.T guy you just wanna punch.
Checking the Daily mail website 72 times a day,
staring at the computer screen, hoping an alien can take me away.
I go to the toilets to masturbate, 22% of you do too.
While the cakes are passed around, the office fatty justifies herself a few.
Making endless cups of tea, just to pass the time away.
Ordering some extra stationary, I think I’ll nick a stapler today!
Your boss is a right d*c*, the post guys a perv,
the office gossip’s a c***, she gets everything she deserves.
We only work in the office to pay off our rent, bills and food,
And until the Friday feeling crops up, I’m always in a foul mood.
So for now Ill carry on as an office temp with my soul cracked in half,
and the day I’m no longer in the office, I can look back and laugh.
Sun 11th Dec 2016 22:16
Hahaha...True!!!! I worked in an office for a soul destroying 5 months then went back offshore. Yes it's the mad the bad & the dangerous to know, but st least it's real. Jeff......