The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

"Night will Fall"

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 For those who are alive

To see the British newsreel

And remember the spring of 1945.


The British army entered Bergen-Belsen,

The heart of Germany -

The town of beauty and harmony.

Neat gardens, rich farms, …

All around seemed to have only charms.

English soldiers began to admire the place,

In any case, up to the moment

When they felt the smell.

It looked like coming out of a hell.

What the British saw entering the concentration camp

Was almost a complete surprise for them.

They couldn’t believe the people could do that.

The scenes they filmed were beyond any description,

Those facts were all delivered to the jurisdiction.

The film "Night will Fall" demonstrates

How peoples nice life and hell incorporates.

Some said they didn’t know,

Some didn’t want this film to show.

It’s hard to watch and hard to look away.

But it shouldn’t be repeated at any other day.


It was the humans heart frost,

It was the peoples action,

But the devils satisfaction.


Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 27th of January, 2015




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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 29th Jan 2015 13:21

Well done, Larisa, to bring this 'situation' so clearly into focus. I wonder whether you saw the British 'Holocaust Remembrance' ceremony. It was very explicit and gut-wrenching. They included the further atrocities of the Bosnian genocide, just one of many since 1945. It highlighted so effectively that our human race has still learned very little about co-habitation upon our small, unique (at the moment) planet.

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Jackie Phillips

Thu 29th Jan 2015 13:04

It is through writing and talking about these events that we help prevent them from being repeated. Thanks for sharing

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Greg Freeman

Tue 27th Jan 2015 22:27

Thank you for marking this anniversary on Write Out Loud, Larisa.

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