Madness on The Moon
Madness on the Moon
I dreamt of these people who lived on the moon
Made war with each other and angered too soon
Dropped bombs on each other, their leaders all lied
Paranoia the norm while they plotted and spied
They poisoned their planet to drive bigger cars
It all seemed quite silly, they can’t live on mars!
When someone came homeless they just got ignored
Then they sat in stone temples and said “praise the lord!”
The pets in their fields they all slaughtered and ate
I pleaded and screamed “it’ll soon be too late!”
I thought mad, those people who lived on the moon
I wanted this nightmare to end very soon
But they didn’t listen, they carried on still
So I just let them be, I suppose that’s free will.
I could not believe all the madness I’d found
Thank the lord! I woke up!
In my bed safe and sound
Ged Thompson 30/01/15
Sat 31st Jan 2015 07:47
I just want to say, I love your work. Reading back through it, I really admire your honesty/ authenticity, get a sense of someone who is grounded, thoughtful, funny and (sorry, not sure how else to say this) gives a shit. Thanks :)