The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Self Love

It’s been more than a while,

Where I haven’t had to fake this wonderful smile.

I can feel deep inside a beautiful light,

That I know is shining ever so bright.

I now know what I have to gain,

As happiness showers on me like thundering rain.

I see no reason to feel angry and blue,

Because I know this exciting feeling is true.

I feel it in me, it’s not to cover my emotions,

It feels as if a drank a healing potion.

Now that you moved away,

I feel all my terrible emotions decay.

I have so much time left, considering I’m young.

No more hate, but love that will roll off of my tongue.

I can feel warm and fuzzy,


Thank god I know that my self-love will last,

And thank god I got over the pain so fast.

◄ The Days To Ponder


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Thu 5th Mar 2015 02:14

Haha thank you!!! And why yes it was what I intended ;-)

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Jackie Phillips

Wed 4th Mar 2015 15:15

Hi Jojo - great twist, I was expecting it to be about falling in love but then I guess that's what you intended. :-)

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