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public awareness/ ignorance

Who's pierced the veil,

The knife-like silver glint,

Amidst the endless shroud,

Advertised for all,

The darkest dark dispelled


Before common knowledge,

Before it was,

Before it ever came to be,

Who jeopordised their positions,

To bring us the light to see


Why then are we still fumbling,

And stumbling in the dark,

Why are there things we aren't told,

When is it we decide,

That their ancient story's getting old?


How long until our grand demand?

To face the suits on their own terms,

To tell us that we don't know,

Perhaps it's time to show them,

That our suspicions aren't limited to what we know.

◄ The old officer

The Bandits ►


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clarissa mckone

Fri 15th May 2009 05:45

Yes, very good poem and questions. I wonder aswell.

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Wed 13th May 2009 16:27

From a literary point of view, i feel that it could flow a little better. The content is all good, and a very thoughtful poem. I really like the last line which sums up a lot of feeling at the moment. 'That our suspicions aren't limited to what we know.' Nice one blue. be well

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