Yearning To Be Different
Alone she thought of things
that would cause her heart to sing of a song
that would make her feel as though she belonged.
Alone she lulled herself to sleep,
While in her dreams she often would weep
and so all she could do is watch as the tears seeped from her
and to awake to the morning with them not having any trace.
Alone she would stare
at a wall as her mind would dare to be different,
yet she was always a slave to fitting in.
So she would fit in to her corset hoping to please her family ever so
When in fact it was her family that was the reason she would-
And so she wishes that she could be different,
as the acid dripped from her lips.
But to her family as was well,
For a smile was always on her cheeks.
Yet to her it was evident that her future had grown
As the streaks of mascara fell like pools of sorrow,
She fell asleep one more time.
Never to see tomorrow.