Menage A Trois
Menage A Trois
The creeping half-light
casts unnatural shadows
on a cooling path.
Silver sister moon
bites down hard on the sky king,
silencing bird song.
This, being England,
she does beneath a cloud veil
of shy modesty.
Unbelievers still
raise their eyes to the heavens
in acts of worship.
Magic or science -
or just something poetic
on a spring morning?
When the sun returns
it has a blush of red cheeks
where it has been kissed.
The world turns in space,
a voyeur waiting the next
brief ménage a trois.
John Coopey
Sat 21st Mar 2015 20:49
We got a great view of it in a cloud free sky here in Selby. It didn't darken as such but the light had a quality about it redolent of sunset.