The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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When I was much younger, better re-phrase that
much much younger, I played games on a printed mat
on cardboard which when unfolded revealed a colourful track
along which to push counters so shiny, or toys so tiny
and pretend money when counted placed in a tidy pack
Then shared between all in a manner so blithely

Monopoly, Totopoly two popular games
One buying houses the other about horses with peculiar names
Then shaking two bone dice in an old egg cup
Our pieces around the board be moved sideways and up
On one to pay rent or go to jail
Then hope for a card to gain early bail

Escalado another equine game
Heavy lead steeds chasing ultimate fame
One player to set and tighten the track
And ensure the horses were placed proper and not back to back
Rapidly turning the handle to make the track vibrate
Along which rattle the horses each one trying to frustrate

Friends Ronnie, David, Dickie and me would meet to play
Sometimes George, sometimes Arthur would also inward stray
But only under sufferance, for George was a chancer and Arthur’s sister a tart
At least that’s what our mams and dads did impart
So we had to keep quiet when they came along
Ensuring a quick dispersal of the gathered throng

Sometimes mams and dads would play
Pennies, threepences and tanners a wondrous fortune they would display
Trouble is they tended to take over and tower over us
In our jumpers, grey shorts and rumpled  socks, like so much detritus
THEY’D place the horses, THEY’D tighten the track, and wind the winder
Leaving me, my gang, as nothing more than watchers, acting as dropped money finder
Our interest would fade, then get into trouble for not paying attention
One by one the gang would mumble and leave, you could feel the tension

I, couldn’t leave, so suffered the stares and furrowed brows
Where’ve your friends gone, they would ask, I pretended to drowse
A clip round the ear then they all disappeared.  Taking their cash away
All alone, with the game to put away, left with my thoughts all astray
My hands in pockets of shorts so grey

I gathered, the track, the horses, the box, to put away
Never again, in my young mind, I would say
But, tomorrow, would be a different day




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