The Laughing Policeman
It felt sticky
Full frontal view.
Scratching with fingernail
Being very discreet.
Licking moisturized tongue
Spitting to dampen.
Stubborn and difficult
Definitely not shifting.
Getting seriously annoyed
In pure desperation.
Quick sharp tug
Resulted total exposure.
Rattle and roll
Two coconuts shaking.
Above hairy legs
There to see.
My prize banana
Dimples and spots.
Mrs Nosey Parker
Next door neighbour.
After taking photo
Frantic emergency call.
Knock on door
Stood laughing policeman.
Tattooed bare buttocks
Blue nylon socks.
Red faced explaining
Why I flashed.
Bloody chewing gum
Would not budge.
Lynn Hamilton
Fri 8th May 2015 19:38
Enjoyed reading your work Nigel. Think it was the 'blue nylon socks' that did it for me.