I'm all bustle - all action and I get goals -
box to box through mud and rain - filling holes
on the break away
the local paper loves me for my commitment
to the cause - for the last ditch tackle
that won the game
for my always staying late to train -
of course they don't report the whiskey bottles
now containing urine
that huddle round the x-box
beside the single chair - all the bitch
left me -inject
me again - don't remind me of my knee
I don't feel the pain - much - set me free
in midfield
to float - and use my positional sense
to over-ride the real life I lead - unknown
to the cheering crowds
Travis Brow
Wed 20th May 2015 06:59
Jeremy, if I've interpreted this correctly, the title refers to what remains of the footballer's once glorious life? If so, it has a further resonance, for me at least, in that when I played for the school team as a kid, we played against Hollywood Park on a cinder pitch; and god help you if you went down on it.