Bees & honey=lots of money
These days indepth research is essential before considering taking up Apiculture, with its thousands of employees
Two bees flew into TESCO.
while out at work one day
both tired...agreed to rest a while
before they flew away
recovering on a checkout,
glimpsed the price of passing honey
Jesus Christ they chorused...that's a lot of money
three pounds odd for half a pound...that's a huge amount
we'll have to bring that bastard of a keeper to account
We work all day for nothing,
returning miles...over heather and stream
laden with royal jelly
for that...fat lazy...egg laying Queen
no wonder...we don't live long
a few weeks life then grief,
bet him and his wife share the profits
the dastardly...slave driving...thief.
We must organise a union,
and reveal to the World our plight
of exhausting long hours in the daylight
little rest in the brief summer night.
Emancipate the members
then engage in a dual pronged mission
demanding decent scales of pay
improvements in working conditions
equal rates for workers
doing nineteen hours a day
sweating, in hot sunshine
chilly, when skies are grey
Plus a penny a time for her majestys eggs
paid into pension schemes
and sodall for them idle Drones
who's only task it seems
is arsing about...doing nowt all day,
between shagging future Queens
Another serious issue
for Health and Safety to note
is the detrimental side effects
from the use of passive smoke.
Unless they agree our conditions
and we're paid by way of money
our response will be a work to rule
slowing down the flow of honey.
We'll fly no further than sight of the Hive
keeping well within its environs
restricting ground hugging plants
"daisies and dandelions".
After months of bitter dispute,
the strike weary hive...and its workers
were awarded the minimum wage.
In was a great victory
but, it didn't improve their lot.
Instead the price of honey went up
to a million pounds a pot
The exclusive market
for rich has a big wedge
the only place that stocks it now
is a strongroom in Alderly Edge
It's good to know this commodity
is still within someone's reach,
although costing a little over
what the man of the house
earns each week.
For everyone in Britain today,
the average home...on modest pay.
Breakfast time's dull and gloomy
limited jam on toast.
Excepting Collette...and Wayne Rooney.
<Deleted User> (13762)
Sat 30th May 2015 17:47
nice one Ken, I enjoyed reading. You forgot to mention the damage that neonicotinoid insecticides are having on global bee populations. Without bees we will have a lot less than just expensive honey as they pollinate a large percentage of our crops. Lots of petitions on the web at the moment if anyone is interested. x