Despite not being a religious person I have a position as part-time verger at Selby Abbey. Its attraction for me is entirely secular – its history and architecture. Nevertheless I remain respectful of others’ deeply held beliefs. I could be equally respectful if it were a mosque or a synagogue.
But something happened at the Abbey today which caused me to re-evaluate just how deeply believers held their faith.
I was taking a dump and enjoying one of those ‘clean sweep’ moments when I heard someone enter the trap next door…
…and started praying. You’ll like this because the remarkable thing was, he was praying for a good shit.
Now, if someone wants to invest in the power of prayer, that’s up to them.
Me? I’ll stick to All-Bran.
John Coopey
Wed 17th Jun 2015 18:36
Interesting observation, Corr. It didn't occur to me to test the theology with empiricism.