The fairytale gone bad
That lonely, dark the path she took;
led her down to the bickering brook.
the leaves of the fall, ahead they rushed ;
as she walked down the lane in hush.
They whispered all along the way;
"And she wept in quiet" they say.
The starry sky lit her trail,
and the fireflies carried her love's mail.
She called up the fairytale gone bad;
the fairytale she dreamt,
washed away by the stream.
She sat down beneath the maple,
alongside the brook;
and gathered the memories that were scrambled
The tears ran down her cheeks;
and caressed the memories, beside the creek.
She looked up at the starry sky;
the way she stared at her lover's eyes.The maple, beneath of which she sat;
and the bickering brook under the bleak moonlit azure,
reminisced the past she had,
of 'the autumn', she lost the lad.
Big Sal
Tue 24th Apr 2018 15:11
The picture accompanying this piece helped set the mood. Well done.?