~~Watching wet suited fella’s a’bobbing
Got to wondering and then some thinking
Why so much sitting, and waiting
Continuous bobbing with legs a’dangling
There goes a wave, what’s wrong with it?
Is he just enjoying a tight suited, comfortable, sit?
Occasionally... Very occasionally, whilst waiting
Activity will occur, legs and arms wildly thrashing
Damn, missed the crest. One of the best. Never mind.
Back to gently bobbing, legs apart, and feet aligned
But, about that previous excitement! A watcher might brood
Perhaps there’s something’ else. Perhaps something lewd?
Could there be? Bobbing alone. So brave
Some reason other than catching a wave
Perhaps something much, much more complex
An act often referred to as, ‘sex’
An orgasmic experience only enjoyed
By those rubberised and temporarily eunuchoid
Up down, up down, legs wide splayed
Eyes fixed on the sea. Does he seek a mermaid?
Bondaged to board with tight ankle strap
Hoping with her scaleyed tail she’ll entrap
His slithering form with buttocks so tight
Providing the craving he longs to incite
His reverie of thoughts so lustful
Interrupted by an incontinent gull
Emptying it’s stomach upon his board
He shakes his fist as away it soared
Then recalled the old belief it could bring him luck
With a wondrous thought he was struck
Untying his tethering anklet cord
The shouted warnings of others ignored
He slipped from his board and did dive
Would it be the last time he’s seen alive?
No. He bobs up. His face says it all
Will have to be satisfied by a page three full frontal
So, when you see those bobbing figures from the seashore
They are hoping to enter a mermaid’s boudoir
There now, the reason is no longer secret
You gaze on someone forced celibate
Tough luck you might very well say
But, rest assured he’ll be back the next day.
jack purvis
Wed 1st Jul 2015 21:49
Thank you Colin glad it reached you