Little David
Little David...ran...screaming...into the hall.
Child, not-of all places-there!
Not, in that strangely oakened,
Glimmer-candled parlour,
Turned now so starkly
Not with old grandad
- beloved, teasing gramps-
Stretched out so silenced,
So un-grandfatherly,
So unlike.
`All of us...even me?`
It was too cruel
To touch
So tender
And all-a-quiver
A flesh
So abruptly
Up against
So hard a fate.
For, just think, Wouldn`t we,
-We, the rhino-hided,
Self-anesthetised -
Were we to feel
(Feel actually in the flesh)
That soul-sickening,
Heart-blood siphoning
Then wouldn`t we also,
Wouldn`t we all,
All of us
Run...just like little David...screaming...into the hall ?
Amit Arjun K
Wed 12th Aug 2015 17:41
Hello Again, Thanks for such detailed explanation.
I must confess the poem is beyond my understanding, and its complexities get me even more attracted to it now.
I'd failed to comprehend the intensity of the words and now that I have read your explanation, I find parts of it ( a shortcoming of my understanding).
It is still brilliant, and I will definitely give it couple of thorough readings now.
Thank you!