Scene In Frame
Central Hotel - noon, sun rays
warp window table;
dust ferments,
noise erupts in waves.
Clientele fluctuate;
come, go, to, fro;
raise and drop, laugh and sigh;
fifty or more sweating, sated diners;
moving witty yarns
in widening circles.
Collection goes round.
Curt remarks
break the frisson
with a butter-knife.
Below swarming traffic
moves in stifling heat,
groaning toxic between flagstones.
The winding-down, leaning, restless
minds drift outward;
Then one-hour rush breathes through;
feet stampede down three stairwells
in hurried, harried, hair-fixing
Doors retract and void without,
gleaming, awaits/receives.
Three birds flap clear.