The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Last Aurora

The Last Aurora


     I’m told

There is a future warrant

For my arrest,

A piece of paper

Drafted by the feds

To imprison a life they detest,

     And it doesn’t matter

I am human – full

With emotion and

A wanting to live

But they don’t forgive anything



     I’m an outsider,

A none belonging in a world

They only want you to conform,

To do and be like everyone else –

To display your tears on cue

And spew your guts

In courts designed by kangaroos

And corrupt law makers

Corrupt enforcement officers

Who cannot give a shit for humanity.



I’ll not be the object they want,

I’ll not conform to monsters

With hidden agendas,

For this world and its peoples

Be the disgrace

The majority

Will not face and own up to,

     So I’ll tell it straight,


     You back up a system

To fuel your own sport

Of violence and ill will,

     You don’t have the heart

You were born with,

And when your fellow

Cohorts find theirs

You find clever ways

To imprison them too.


     You’re not designed

The impartiality you would make

Believe you seem,

What you are is a buffer zone

Between the haves

And have nots,

     Your designed to let

The rich roam free

While keeping

The many enduring poverty –

Chaste and it’s a waste,

A waste of the life you were given

And your fellow citizens

You sneer at,

     You think you’re

Independently minded,

But your blinded by

The pay packet the elite

Give you for their safety,


     All in all,

You propagate something

So vile the bile

Rips all sense of decency,

     So I’ll sit and wait

For the hate you are,

I’ll take my time

And shed no tears

That you long to see

And I’ll dance until death,

Knowing you’ll return

Over and over again

Until you find what you’ve lost

While I become

Something other worldly,

And if its murder in mind,

I’ll be blind to the trigger you pull,

     After all,

Who’d want walk

The same world you’ve dulled.


     Dance until

The death bell tolls

And shed no tears

They long to see,

      For it is gunned,

The metal in your mouth

The blood spilt

For their humour,

Then thank the Lord

For the final extraction,

And return no more to Earth!


Michael J Waite 16th September 2016.

Music by Noetic-fret! For entertainment purposes only.


'They shit on the good ones so the bad can rule!'

◄ An Interrogative

The Silence of The Natural ►


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