Some people today have some funny ideas.
Why is it almost everyone has a conspiracy theory.
Who shot JFK?
Was it a Government plot,
The Mafia,, it was certainly not
Lee Harvey Oswald.
The shot came from the grassy knoll
We have all seen the film clip
Not from where we have been told.
Anyway that’s what I think.
Many don’t believe that man set foot on the moon
They say it was filmed in Hollywood
Anyone can see the join.
And what about that flag,
There is no wind on the moon
It says so in my Encyclopaedia.
Then there is Marilyn Monroe
Was it suicide
Murder, a cover up. ?
Concealed and stage managed.
By whom, the Mafia, the Establishment.
We will never know.
She was too needy
Poor girl
All she wanted was to be loved.
Do you think there are Aliens?
Other beings from far away Galaxies
Tiny green men with
Big black eyes out on stalks.
Rubbish, its all made up.
If there was any intelligence way up there
In the universe.
Why would they want to invade
Or even visit Earth.
Crazy old world that she is..
Unable we are told to sustain her people.
She is over populated,
Constantly at war ,
With natural disasters on the increase
Temperature rising
Polar ice cap melting
Animals and insects threatened with extinction
There habitat destroyed.
Even if these Aliens kill us all and replace us
What is left for them.
Is this too a conspiracy?
Many believe that out Saviour
Is God in heaven
Who comes in many guises,
Has many names.
Is a powerful god
Religion being a powerful tool
That keeps conflict alive
It seems tailor made for those
Inspired, to keep minds and bodies
Ever alert to their causes.
Who in their wisdom feel it is the solution
To all our problems.
Is this a conspiracy
You tell me.
Val Cook 2009
Jeff Dawson
Fri 3rd Jul 2009 21:10
Hi Val, good stuff, have you heard all the coincidences between the assassinations of JFK and Abraham Lincoln?
Both were elected to congress and president 100 years apart, both were shot in the head on a friday - by assassins born 100 years apart (both assassins were known by their 3 names with 15 letters in total!), both their successors were born 100 years apart and both had a secretary the other ones surnames!!!
Spooky, there's more but thats the gist of it, maybe theres something in it after all - I love these coincidences if thats what they are! JX