M. O. T. (self-portrait, 1998)
treads are bad
hardly holding the road chosen.
Shabby denim bodywork,
With rust setting into the fading colour.
UN - HEALTHY exhaust
from too many poisons -
nicotine based,
and damage to the choke.
Overburdened suspension,
with many things.
Clutch too on the go,
with thoughts of evolution,
and alien Factors.
Brakes worn on
verbal atrocities,
an unlicensed learner with a highway mouth,
following no code.
Engine heart too in love with the idea of romance -
carburettor too sex infused.
Dashboard too dented by musical dreams.
Gears too stressed with Akido martial credibility's.
Headlights influenced by stars.
Glove compartment drowning in books,
never read.
Pistons need replacing from their work,
eroded by a catering lifestyle.
Accelerator too nerve sensitive.
Bonnet too bloody open.
Wheel end too bloody honest,
while the framework is too weak,
too vulnerable to attack,
too caring,
too nice