Therein The Beast Lies
Therein The Beast Lies
How complicit are they,
They that propagate the hate
We serve beneath?
And you my friend of World,
Are you in allegiance
With deceit and power and,
Should and does it matter today?
Do we allow reality
Befall us all,
Or do we turn our back
Upon its value,
‘Consider’ only ourselves
And not,
The World
In which our children die?
(Did you work hard -
For your daily bread,
Is it stale and hard at the edge,
Does it feed your babes
And stop their screams
From piercing your soul;
Screams of hunger,
Screams of pain)?
Are you the machine perpetuating
A false claim of freedoms
That in truth denigrates
Your human existence?
Does it matter?
Does it matter to them?
Does it matter to you?
Does it matter anymore?
Everyone’s playing Murder!
From the dealer on the street,
To the Man concealing pain
Just to put dinner on the table,
Everyone’s complicit
Within this realm,
‘Everyone’s a politician;-
Playing dangerous games!’
The truth be left in death,
The truth diminishing in time,
Honesty cares not for the living as,
Everyone’s taking bribes,
And soon,
All seers wisdom
Will be nothing more than myth,
And we’ll all be known for lies,
And this World,
The World be left
To its final phase of glory,
Where blood shines
Brighter than any future Sun,
As ruled by the Gun,
We’ll deny the light
Within our soul.
(They’ll say it not exist,
Bombard you without mercy,
And if you dare resist,
They’ll have you tortured in your grave,
For each architect
That designed our fate
Knows only Power and its worth,
No virtue ‘there’ to rectify the wrongs;
Only the perishing of Earth).
Michael J Waite 30th November 2015.