The smell of burning paper which got extinguished in the rain.
The droplets of thoughts carry away my pain.
The cloud of judgement blurs out my sanity.
The screams of retribution diminish my vanity.
The pool of hypocrisy drowns me in.
The lewdness urges me to commit a sin.
The sacks of truth got leaked on its way.
The window of discrimination blocks out the ray.
The bowl of prejudices serves so fine.
I should rather lick out the rest of it and let it shine.
The tree of regret grows old selflessly
While the thoughts of liberty cries helplessly.
The train of estranged wishes skipped some stops.
The bullets of regret are fired till a body drops.
The crowd of disparity runs for the town.
While the clown of sarcasm strips his gown.
The accouchement of corruption is so strange.
The truth to ourselves gets literally deranged.