The Mask of Unity
The Mask of Anarchy rides out once more
And leads his troops to clear the killing floor
His crocodile tears are shed from glassy screens
And fall like neon gemstones, subtly guided
To dash out the brains of fleeing refugees
'We are the agents of peace!' twisted words are cried
'This action will not cease!' bombs fall from the sky
In this slaughter of the innocents who must die
In order that a greater evil be destroyed?
A lapdog's face twists grins into concern
His earnest words and waving hands express
Distaste at the way this war has turned
Yet gnaws upon the bones that have been burned
By Anarchy's stealth forces and then tossed
Down from that higher table to his pet
As payment earned for loyalty unquestioned
But this war cannot offer glory, blood or gold
Just mass graves, empty cities, barren landscapes