The Pusher
Crazed with worry
Clothed in a bloodless air
Not one body has been found
In the river
Or the lakes
Moving shadow like
On the land
Nor 2
But 85.
85 bodies pedal soft
Conscripted with cold drew
Over 6 years,
Cloaked in the ship canal
And all over
Manchester’s water works
In deafening silence
Kneeling in deep breath
Crossing canal gates
In the Undercroft
Or past the bars
Near Canal Street
And the Warehouse Project,
Salford Quays
28 cases remain an open verdict
Trembling with stillness
Lying in wait
Chiselled in tragedies
Whether drunk or drugged
Or something more sinister
Whispering shells
Across un-answered questions
85 people in 6 years
Over doubled the rate of deaths
In Birmingham
Wishboning towards
a possible truth
none of us want to face.
(NB. 85 bodies have been found dead
in rivers and canals in Manchester, UK
over the years double the number of
deaths found in Birmingham, UK.
The Police have denied there is a serial
Killer at large. However, the rumour
Persists that a serial killer nicknamed
‘The Pusher’ is responsible)
Andy N
Sun 17th Apr 2016 19:50
thanks guys. one of these kind of pieces which got wrote fairly quickly but yeah...