The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Never A Lie, Never A Lie

entry picture

Hello you guys, please see the art in this before labelling it grandiose.

Best wishes from Noetix.


Never A Lie,

     Never a Lie!



     I like it so – when things are natural,

When we don’t need ask what comes next between us,

When we latch each other’s gaze and never look away

When our union ventures the psychic realm -

     And we know,

We know the love is true,

Never strained

Never strained,

Neither tamed.


     I want to dance with you,

Dance like we are the only living beings

On a dying world,

Yes, I want to be that selfish

So selfish we own only

One another,

     With no eternal

Hate, from a jealous eye.


     I want all that is now condemned,

‘Our lives, our lives now jaded,

By frailty and suffering!’


     I am yours,

I always have been since

Victoria, since way before

And more and more into the future,

Since time made both

Slaves of skin, bone,

Heart, muscle –

Passion intellect

Wisdom and reason

I am yours and you are mine

And I am so selfish.


    Within my sentimental frustrations

 I have scorned the vow

Took in brevity;-

For all the things we need

We want and plead for,

For all things denied,

But ten years on and we’re still strong,

     Strong, sincere,

Loving thrusting and wanting,

Like we knew all along.



Be a Cinematic Orchestra

We now dance to at leisure,

Each phrase – the sway

We thought once hidden,

All wishes granted and given,

For what lovers take for granted

‘We’ may only fantasize

Like prisoners of feelings

We’re never allowed – express,

     And my darling,

I would grant everything

You ever wanted,

If I had the power of

An unbelieving God,

     For it’s

Any other way but you -

A ‘you’ I wish people could discover

In themselves,

For as lovers,

You are the best……..

……….of you………..

……..and I,

A place of worship –

I never want let die.


Michael J Waite 24th January 2016.






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