The Gravy Train
The gravy train is getting worried . Because the source could be drying up . After years of indulgence and having their way , there are lots of people who now want a say . Their lives have been taken by Austerity being made to forget all there dreams . These fat cats have indulged in the gravy train , whilest the British are suffering it seems . Our human rights have been taken away , by country's who think they know best . We have taken a back seat far too long , and now have a chance to address this . Why should we always put up and shut up . Letting other countries dictate our ways . We were happy once we can be Strong again .This gravy train has got to go . These greedy fat cats knew . They could milk this train and always remain . The people who think they know best .
Jemima Jones
Mon 29th Feb 2016 08:01
hear! hear! (check spelling-their not there) Thank you.Jemima.