“Get up to Tesco” Our Gert said one day
“I need some detergent; my knickers are grey”.
With incentive like that I chose not to delay
Not least as she bravely inspects
The skid-marks inside of my kecks.
I consider myself today's modern man
(I share household duties where-ever I can)
But my grocery lists have usually ran
To brioche, and feta, fish chowder;
It's years since I've purchased soap powder.
I always have known it's a bit of a scam
There's just Unilever and Proctor and Gam (ble)
But I remember the labels (I'd shopped wi' my mam)
So I searched all the shelves far and wide
But buggered if I could find “Tide”.
Mi chance of swift purchase was rapidly wrecked
Familiar brands I just could not detect
Maybe politically it's not correct
Despite the superstore promo
There wasn't a sign of that "OMO".
I asked for assistance from one of the staff
To help me sort through the wheat from the chaff
I think that she thought I was having a laugh
Her badge read “Quality Control”
But she not heard of that "Oxydol".
I spent that long looking I dribbled with waz
Then I spied an old favourite – a packet of "Daz"
It was better than mam's, the new product has
Made technological gains -
It needs to! - to shift these new stains!
John Coopey
Thu 10th Mar 2016 08:51
Many thanks for your comments, guys. I did a contract at Rhodia in Whitehaven some years ago where they made immodazoline (I think that's how it's spelled). I assumed that's where they get the product name Daz from.