Blamed For Being In Care
Why do you blame our children , for being in care and alone . The shame and the blame is for all to share . And it should never be hidden away . All who Rape and Betray our children . Need to be named and shamed , and accountable . Accountable and have their life taken away . To wake in the morning and never forget , the hurt and the feelings when children are left . Left to remember not once but many times . The worst thing that could ever happen in their very young lives . Just imagine if it ever happens to you . How would you feel , how would you share . And how would you ever forget and repair . The damage that's done to our children .
Jemima Jones
Sun 13th Mar 2016 12:10
Hi Wendy.I love your consistent honest-to-goodness poems.This one,is no exception.Thank you love.Jemima.