Maybe a Gymboree
Tired of being his loony self only while alone in his apartment and believing there were others out there who spoke to themselves in various accents while folding laundry and harangued invisible counterparts and lied on the floor squirming and hooting and motor-mouthing gibberish he decided to convene a meeting where people could come and be loony in the same space not a sex club not a drug den he’d be clear about that just a shared space for doing the harmlessly bizarre things they normally do in private perhaps one guy will flop around around shirtless on the floor arf-arf-arf-ing like a walrus perhaps there’ll be a girl who says myeh myeh myeh myeh myeh while scratching her invisible beard perhaps two strangers will face each other guy 1 sings the pledge of allegiance in sign language which he doesn’t know while guy 2 makes fish lips and rapidly shrugs his shoulders a children’s gymnastics studio would be a great venue plenty of padding and props maybe a Gymboree he could rent it out announce the time and location folks will arrive in their normal clothes greet each other politely mill about kill time on their phones and then once the gong strikes some guy will go racing across the padded floor flailing his arms like an octopus while screaming omfuh omfuh omfuh omfuh