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See the barrels all aslope,

catch the bayonet gleam;

parade that advertising ploy,

snare the young man's dream.


Gun and knife - testosterone;

let death come slow or fast;

on our streets anathema,

over there - a blast.


And when the blast kills heroes,

we bring them back, adrape.

Home-grown they are just zeroes,

Asboes with collared nape.


One grave shall hear the bugle call,

the other naught of note;

one killer honoured, standing tall,

the other a supine scroat.


Her Majesty inspects the troops,

CCTV the dross.

This Gordian Knot of tangled loops

leads ever back to loss.

◄ Choice of Vegetables

Harry Patch ►


Steve Smith

Fri 17th Jul 2009 11:33

Barry, I'm glad you'e saying what should be siad...the choreographed hypocrisy of a military funeral is truly nauseating and you've rent the curtain!
Steve Smith

<Deleted User> (5646)

Thu 16th Jul 2009 14:01

I too think this is excellent. I love rhyming poetry.
I also enjoy poetry which tells a story based around circumstance and fact, yet without judgement. Nice one.

Janet. :-)

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Anthony Emmerson

Thu 16th Jul 2009 11:23

Hi Barrie,

Relevant, thoughtful, true and an insightful comment on the value placed on human lives for political purposes. Excellent.

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