A Deflection between two community . With out knowing, an act hurts another one although their was no intention .If u see the recent era people are fighting in the name of belief .So here in my poetry how a maulana get hurt ed by a pundit but poor pundit he was feeling above the sky for his god in his way not his here i present...Maulauna.....
A Maulana in town
White shirt
Long Beard
Was his gown
Morning color
With praying flower
Allah in Heaven
His perfume
Was Amen
Walking on the streets
His stick of teak
Color of week
Sounded peek
White cap rounded other caps
With a shimmer in smile
Allah hafiz
He mild
His fragment in town
In orange gown
A pundit (Sag) was passing
Nearby his gown
He interrupted with hello
Smile ello
But his head drowned
No reply he found
O my mistake, My Lord
He prayed in haven
Who cares in Town
Pundit (Sag) in his way
Flowers for the day
Freshness smells
Fragment of rose
Purity is most
At any cost
Maulana in his way
Spells for the day
He is there in smile
He is there in words
I love my lord
In pure words
Hari Das
@ all right reserved by Hari Das Vieena 2015