Raise Your Banners Poetry Competition
Theme: “Living in 21stCentury
1 Poems must be original, unpublished, (including internet publication) and not have won any other prize.
2 They must be typed in English, on the theme of living in 21st Century Yorkshire and not exceed 50 lines.
3 No identification of the author should appear on the poem. Full details of name, address, email,
telephone contact, and title of poem should be included on a separate page. There is no entry form.
4 Two copies of each poem should be enclosed. Please send your poem as an e-mail attachment to…
raiseyourbanners@gmail.com Poems sent in this way can also be considered for inclusion in the
Raise Your Banners website.
5 Copyright remains with the author, but the organisers reserve the right to display winning entries
during the course of the Raise Your Banners Festival in
in the Festival programme, and subject to demand, publish them in an anthology. Winning entrants may
also be asked to read during the course of the Festival.
6 No alterations may be made to poems after entry.
7 Neither the judge nor any current member of the Raise Your Banners Committee is eligible to enter.
8 Winners and runners-up will by notified by post by 1/10/09.
9 All poems must be received by 1st September 2009.
10 Entries should be sent to;
Raise Your Banners Poetry Competition