The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Babu's Death

Babu's Death



Each entry I made
Babu’s fumes I hailed
In the morning he told
Will be back
With some marigold
In the evening
He was back
With a crowd as jack
He was laying in a bed
It was new to our head
He was sleeping cold
In a white fold
Where is my marigold?
I goal'd 
He dint said anything
He dint said anything hold
Don’t take him away I told
But people took him away
With flowers on the way
As sold
Neighbors said a labor died
For which no one cried
We cried
We cried our best
For what I still hide
Amma said his death arrived
What is death I mild
Nothing, you sleep child
My babu is there
Somewhere in the hut
Somewhere in the nook
I know
I know his body was perfect

Nobody is there 
In my hut
Only his fragment of body left
Each morning I waited
When light enters to wake up
My eye wishes
He is there on the gate
To love us 
To save us
He is not there anywhere
In the gate
I called my babu
Babu  babu
Where I could find
My elders said
Babu is late
I waited
I waited in veranda
Perhaps we played
We played
Hide and seek we played
I was caught'd, every time
But where is my babu
I couldn't find
 Hari Das
Indian Street Writer Hari Das
My Friend Alyssa from France had done some research in 2012 with subject Indian street babies 
please do have a look .I am shore u people will like her post and will learn some thing.

Street children

◄ If


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