The Lukewarm
Black or white
Yes, or no,
People claim decisions are easy and ether one the other, but are they really…
What happens when the decision you make is the one that is seen both ways?
Some argue yes while other people defend no.
Yet some’s answer isn’t simply just one of the other but yet somehow find a shade of gray...
People say its ok, take your time. No rush
But should it really all that easy to just sit back and wait?
What if you never answer yes or no? Will you be labeled as gray forever?
What happened to the gray people when it comes to an unexpected end of their time?
Are they merely the people who lacked their courage to use their voice and lived unspoken and are forgotten forever?
Or are they scared to mocked and embarrassed to proclaim their belief?
What happens to these people?
Are they the one’s living in fear? Or does the fear of being gray hold them captive?
The fear of gray is a nightmare to me…
The fear of being lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, neither yes or no, as if none could satisfy me.
The fear of having the Lord spit me on the floor disgusted with the indecisiveness of my hard-headedness.
This is the fear that drives me, it drives me to have courage. To proclaim my faith, and most of all this fear helps me believe in the power and seriousness our Lord can be.
<Deleted User> (6895)
Wed 27th Apr 2016 11:17
we can relate so much,Victoria,to this poem,and mostly to the last two lines.
very much enjoyed.