The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Tongue

Twisted by sea shells on a sea shore
If smitten, she'll lick lips with haste
She'll savour the flavour and beckon for more
She's a muscle who lives for the taste
Mother of language, mistress of drool
Though nerves can make her too dry
If she's tied by your words, you'll look like a fool
If she's forked, you're likely to lie
Hold her, bite her if she's feeling too sharp
And inclined to lash out and hurt
Put her in your cheek and she'll play her part
If a wry point you wish to assert
Silver when ready to win a gold chance
If smitten, she'll lick lips with haste
There to assist in affairs of romance
She's a muscle of flair and fine taste

◄ Steadfast

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David Lindsay

Sat 6th Aug 2016 23:32

Thanks Harry :)

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 26th Jul 2016 17:10

This one laps up it`s subject with deftness.

I particularly liked that:

`Mother of language, mistress of drool`

And that last line has some good flicks of the tongue behind the teeth in it.

An excellent `thought about` poem.

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