"Waiting Room"
"Waiting Room"
The corridor reaches the corner
And beyond.
Clinging to life,
Bones stretching parchment skin
Patients wait
Gaunt faces
Gazing at the floor.
Agnostics and atheists,
Entreat a god they do not think hears
Hoping they might be proven wrong.
Feet raise
A cleaner mops the floor
She smells of Savlon
Everything does
It’s in the air.
“Ticket number six to room four.”
“Ticket number seven to room eleven.”
They check their numbers
Rise to face
They know not what.
To be weighed
Attached to strange machineries
That isolate them from humanity
Scanning doctors’ faces
For a flicker of promise
But this is just another day
Nothing special
Just routine.
Sugar coated
Concealing negative prognoses
Allay the patients' fears
But not their families’
These, glad their turn is not yet
Conspire against reality
Beneath veils of brittle optimism
And brave face bonhomie.
Yet those ‘dry bones’
Prisoned in
Parchment skin
Will slough
The burden of pain and fear.
And step into life beyond life
Love beyond love.
Outside this waiting room,
Where life begins.