The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Le Petit Parisien, 1952

entry picture

after Willi Ronis


A small boy running, but not for his life,

as all can see in his fearless smile

and the sense of freedom


that lights his eyes. This is the day

he will always remember,

important only because of an errand


and the small coin he didn’t drop,

holding it up on tiptoes

across the counter of a baker’s shop,


disregarding for once

the glass-fronted shelves of pastries

laid out on a lower level.


The still warm, unwieldy baguette

stowed beneath his arm,

he races homewards. 


At his feet his shadow,

foreshortened, inscrutable,

can only just keep up, one step behind.


Shape-shifting, a demon,

it seems momentarily a cat –

its back hunched, its dark pelt bristling.






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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 8th Jan 2017 15:40

Damn, David, you're good. GOOD!!!

Consider 'the warm unwieldy baguette' without 'still' which is a bit like stubbing one's toe on a pavement crack, breaking the 'run'.

Just a thought.

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Paul Waring

Thu 5th Jan 2017 16:50

David, for me the style of this poem is wonderful, you have brilliantly combined the little nipper's energy and excitement to get home with the portent of danger that leaves us wondering what happens next. What a cliffhanger.....! Thanks for posting this. Paul

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Hazel ettridge

Thu 5th Jan 2017 16:31

Don't you just love predictive Text?

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Hazel ettridge

Thu 5th Jan 2017 16:30

Love it. Observatonight with love.

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