Final Resting Plaice
She drifted in with the big wave, sculptured body shimmering in the moonlight.
Her scaly decorative dress was a sight to behold, hugging her curvaceous form.
A few seductive moves later the queen of the ocean lay cold still on the shore.
A free-spirited woman she was,
known to glide with the cockiness of a seductress,
leaving in her wake a school of frustrated male suitors.
I gazed at her dazzling eyes as she lay there. A once celebrated maiden
with a body sent from heaven. Now cold and unresponsive.
One tide after another tried to entice her back
but she was oblivious to them all.
Incapacitated by fate.
Battered by ruthless waves, but spared the torture of being dunked in boiling hot oil.
Juan Pablo Lynch
Wed 18th Jan 2017 21:16
Raj, that picture was a really great attachment to such a well crafted poem. Also the title was very creative. At first I thought Plaice was a spelling error but Webster told me better. truly enjoyed it.