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Self Canibalism

entry picture

Ouroboros is its own meal

The same is true with

Those from own country that steal!


To humstrung the incumbent

Most party members are not hesitant.


Ouroboros,they adore their party,

Which they obliviously or

Otherwise sully with

A rent-seeking identity.

They adore the incumbent

Yet they spell nation's

Slow but sure death

Siphoning budget earmarked

For  infrastructure,education,

 Agriculture and health.


They adore their party

That took power

But with a deadface

That lets them, with

 Nation's wealth, take a shower.


They adore their party,

However with their bureaucratic logjams,

Create on nation's developmental

Thrust encumberance.

Yet they entertain

A wild dream

Their party could

Let the country

Forward advance.


They support their party

As a Scare (self-defeating) tactic

Sees better

For social justice

Requesting demonstrators

To scatter

Shooting one or two

With a sniper.

'cause what they enunciate

"We adore"

Citizens abhore

Marking it stifling and "a bore".


Worse still

Barefaced they entertain

No shame or fear

Using  'public media'

"I kill thee

Because I love thee!"

To din in people's ear.//

Politics in Africa



◄ Elegy by a poet

A sunny rain ►


<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 18th Jan 2017 07:42

good luck with the book Alem - I agree, WoL is a great platform for learning and improving one's writing skills. All the best, Colin

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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Wed 18th Jan 2017 06:45

Dear poets thank you for the comments. I am readying the collection of my poems for a print on demand book,proofreading and page layout work.It is after I read your recommendations it dawned on me I can use both titles for my book as a title and subtitle together with the Ouroboros photo.

About politics in Africa I wrote that to evade the attention of the Ouroboros here about whom I am talking in my poem, with a theme of first hand experience. I don't want to be specific pinpointing the exact place.What a pity even developed countries are subject to Ouroboros.

Also what a nice blog is because I learn a lot every time,refine my skills,get acquainted to knowledgeable poets.Another poem of mine with a similar theme entitled 'Yesterday,today &tomorrow'
is trending in another blog.See it below.

Yesterday,today &tomorrow


A votary of democracy
And a combatant!


A tyrant and a parasite!


A prison inmate,
Who regrets
A wrong turn or bent!

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 17th Jan 2017 16:09

With respect Cynthia, it seems I must be one of your 'average' readers as I had to Google 'Ouroboros' - either because I didn't know the meaning or I had forgotten or I wanted to learn more in order to understand the poem further.

Whichever, I am curious to know how you define an 'average' reader? I have never presumed that anyone having taken the trouble to find a site like WoL and having an interest in poetry was in any way 'average'. (I've edited this paragraph as I felt my original wording was ambiguous).

And as it requires some basic user knowledge of the internet - on which this poem has been posted - it seems unlikely that any reader happening upon this word in this context would not Google the meaning if desired.

I sincerely do not have a problem with Alem's choice of title and it is interesting that he had considered using 'Ouroboros' in the first instant. Personally I thought it was eye catching and intriguing although I am aware that 'Self Cannibalism' is equally so and in that respect I am in danger of eating my own tail!. But it seems we have a different view of our readership?

With curiosity and respect to you both,


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Harry O'Neill

Tue 17th Jan 2017 15:13

Never mind African politics Alem,
Ouroboros would have made an excellent title of a poem about what this Brexit thing would be quite willing to do to the British economy.

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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Tue 17th Jan 2017 14:31

Dear Colin Hill and Cynthia Buell Thomas Thank you for the feedbacks I created the poem as Colin said but on the second thought I chose Cynthia's remark mindful that may be readers may not know about Ouroboros !

About the spelling you are right as the saying goes a misspelt word ruins a poet(specially in books).I was in haste.I appreciate such feedbacks as the mistakes could be rectified in blogs

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 17th Jan 2017 13:37

You have made some strong, sure points. The metaphor is excellent. Actually, I think your given title is probably best, as the average reader probably doesn't know the term 'oroborous' at all. Excellent photo - very informative.

Always take a moment and reread for a spell check. We all do 'sillies' with the keyboard.

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 17th Jan 2017 13:19

I think Ouroboros would have made an excellent title Alem - an interesting snapshot into the self-absorption of African politics - no doubt no different from ours here in the UK except maybe without the hired snipers to quell dissent. All the best, Colin.

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