(Just to prove that I`m only old and - hopefully - not dead
This is a Valentine`s day revision into `proper` sonnet form)
At the the Caribbean fellowing
The lady from that far-off place
Swayed to the steel-pan`s mellowing
With such a lively, lovely grace
That I watched her for a longing while,
Hoping she`d favour me a smile
Then suddenly, like daybreak beaming,
(Ivory through a forest gleaming)
Laughter - lightening her face -
Spread sunshine through a shady place.
And sent one shaft, like Cupid`s dart,
Clean through the sinews of my heart.
So causing the helpless fool to crave
That history flipped...(Now he`s the slave)
John Coopey
Wed 15th Feb 2017 08:44
Harry, you old goat! I'm sure this will have worked. And cheaper than flowers.