Forget This
Don’t remember the time
When the number on the scale was infinitely less.
Don’t remember the time
When your bones were months away from dust.
Don’t remember the panic
Inside of your chest
When the white porcelain rose goosebumps
And you failed to protest-
The one thing you should have been fighting for;
You stubborn, foolish, arrogant girl.
Don’t remember the time
When plates would mock you.
Don’t remember your lies
As you said you had already fed at a friend’s house that night.
Please forget that dark time,
Please forget that dark time,
Please forget that dark time
As you lay there with damp eyes.
You are not stronger, no,
Though you fool yourself into thinking you are;
You stubborn, foolish, arrogant girl.
Don’t remember the sorrow
In your best friend’s eyes.
Don’t remember the one
Who shared it all without blinking twice.
Don’t remember feeling alone
As you made rivers in your pillow.
The girl who could never be perfect,
Can never be perfect,
She will never be perfect.