Test the test
I just took two different online IQ test
on the first I scored 125
on the second I scored 139
both scores aren't poor
some may say I am brilliant
but I can not see
how these test measure intelligence
accurately...I doubt it
what about literary genius
that are weak in mathematics?
what about skilled handymen
that are not good with words?
what about and what about
there are so many areas of intelligence
that an IQ test can not measure
I truly believe the test needs testing
probably needs to be redefined or updated
so as you take the test - no pressure
though they may try to subject intelligence to a score
your God given reasoning ability cannot be quantified
Tue 28th Mar 2017 00:06
Hello, Juan. I wanted to respond to this when you first posted it, yet, I was simply too exhausted from work. Anyhow, if you care to, look into the history of IQ tests and some of the nefarious purposes for which they've been designed in the past--you may be truly astonished. I don't doubt that most true scientists would readily relinquish all bias, yet, there may be a remnant who would disguise falsehoods within the cloak of science for the sake of furthering one agenda or another.
It's a very interesting topic, Juan, and one worth exploring.