I want to express my worries to you
But every time that I am prepared to
You are too far away, out of my reach
And what I say sounds like a screech
As I muster the words to speak out
About all the things I'd like to shout.
You're always so tired, always stressed
And I want to tell you: I too am depressed
But my words make it seem like a cry
For attention, as if it's some kind of lie
And so my mind sends a painful note
To my heart which struggles to float
And that is why I am always muffled
My eyes are glazed and mind ruffled
Because as I sit, staring at the ground
I don't know how to create the sound
That will best help you into the know
About what I'm thinking as we flow
As I write this to you now
I can't even work out how
To express all my sorrow
As I wait until tomorrow.