A Dagger drawn
A Dagger drawn
I was broken, cut to the quick
breathless with shock and rage
bewildered in disbelief
A malicious assault below the belt
a dagger drawn from years of concealment
flickered, flashed and then struck
unremittingly and with perfect ease
I was aghast at such infidelity
conspiracy, lies and unbridled deceit
had attacked the very soul of my integrity
As if from nowhere, unannounced
it came as a sheet of brilliant lightning to lash
Accusations akin to a fusillade
made bare before a public to see
I could not respond, shout or even whimper
Wounded and incapacitated
I harboured thoughts of anger and revenge
violent thoughts rattled through my cerebal cavity
But it was all too late, the damage was done
and would nought achieve
I sat, pondered, licked my wounds and thought
a casualty of vitriolic hate and lies of such magnitude
I prayed and meditated as what I should do
Then a still small voice of calm did answer -
Stay true, hold fast and keep your peace,
let this acrimony
Rest in Peace
Martin Elder
Tue 25th Apr 2017 16:59
This has a nice rhythm to it Keith. I particularly love the word fusillade