Scouse Cinderella
Julie was a Scouse Cinderella
Brought up by hard women and their opinions
Crawling through a tunnel of aunties
Who loved to put the boot in to pretty things
Because they could never be pretty too
A sensitive soul, ever so beautiful
Fallen to the bottom of a matriarchy
Of quick wits and sharp tongues
Self esteem raped by their judgements
At drunken family parties
That she was too scared to run away from
Nowhere to run to, you see
It’s hard to grow buttercups in a boxing ring
Found sanctuary in imagination and woodlands
As she made dens, daisy chains and wishes
Sought escape in old books and author’s dreams
What else can a young girl do
Smelt hate and whiskey on their breath
Felt her self esteem shrink with each insult
Heard the drunken whispers but pretended not to
Held her pain and stayed gentle,
Like a feather on a fire refusing to be consumed
Held her tongue and stayed gentle,
Like cream refusing to mix with the black of coffee
Held her tears and stayed gentle,
Like Jesus defying the Devil in the desert
Her tears where the one thing she’d not like them to steal
(Too much of)
As a young woman Julie knew that
It is hard to grow buttercups in a boxing ring
So she thanked her aunties
For teaching her of how to grow her buttercups
With love.
Ged Thompson