Domestic Drama (Part 1)
I know better
so why don't I do better?
Be angry and sin not
that's what the word says
obscene language,
that's what the world says
I'm tired and cranky
and frankly,
I just want to lie in bed
but lo and behold!
She is sleeping there
like Snorlax or Goldilocks
and I'm suppose to bear this?
too tired to fume
want to sweep this away
'Bring the broom, take out the trash,
feed the dog and the cats!'
Mom, that's not what I meant
and dad, give me a break!
fast, a warm slap to the face
Should I retaliate!
I could probably...
Sun 7th May 2017 02:57
This reminds me of Christianity's most prized legacy to humanity--the Golden Rule. I am not a Christian, Juan, but I do my best in my daily living to subscribe to this most valuable teaching.