MayB by ommitting 1 letter,
This txt will luk better,
Or resort to numerical substitution,
A sort of linguistic prostitution,
Txt all of ur m8s
'Cos txting is gr8,
Depending on your stance, it is either stupid or sublime,
Killing our language to save our time,
The Newspeak has certainly appeared,
Maybe the Thought Police will soon be here,
Child heroes, Telescreens of old will be new,
We can bank on Big Brother watching u.
So it happens every grammarian's a sinner,
The language grows thinner,
Replaced by the idleness adopted,
The ineptitude for which we opted,
Our language's f8,
'Cos txting is gr8.
Soon this sentence won't be worded so,
We know not how far this Newspeak will go,
Maybe to censor all libertarian headlines,
For using Oldspeak, people maybe vapourised.
Depending on your stance, it's either stupid or sublime,
Killing our language to save our time,
The newspeak has certainly appeared,
Maybe the thought police will soon be here,
Child heroes, telescreens of old will be new,
We can bank on Big Brother watching u.
Steve Smith
Tue 6th Oct 2009 12:48
Keep going , Joshua.This is great.You've got talent and courage to take on the powers that twist us.The purpose of Newspeak was to control thought by controlling language.I've just done a play on the theme of linguistic enslavement,called'Comfort'. Hope to stage it before Christmas.Steve Smith