The Exam
It's silent.
Just the cogs turning,
They look so puzzled.
Why didn't they study?
Why did they mess around?
Why didn't they care?
They're disaffected.
They hate it all.
Why didn't teachers care?
Why did schools mistreat them?
Why should they really care?
It is silent.
One clearly tries,
Success is what he needs.
What has changed this year?
Why has he done so well?
Why now believe he can?
It is his teacher.
The one who really cares.
Made to feel so special.
Why does she understand?
Why does she see his strengths?
Why does she persevere?
She does it because she needs to.
It gives her deep rewards,
It makes the world much better,
Gives goodness, strength and faith.
She changes lives for people,
For kids they had thrown away.
Robert Mann
Sun 18th Jun 2017 20:57
Louise - I definitely share Cynthia's sentiments. From reading your work on hear, it is clear that your writing helps you and the reader explore some difficult subjects. Please keep writing.