Like a Feather
Let my energy flow effortlessly through the wind.
Let it travel the distance,
To make the difference,
Within each person it touches.
Allow those who could not see,
Witness the potential that I carry within.
Let the beauty of my creativity,
Shine like the moon high in the sky.
Like a feather,
Let it flow,
Let it be guided by the wind...
Let it reach it's highest potential.
May it's viewers see the beauty of something so simple,
Yet unique.
Allow it to create a simple smile,
Love by those it touches.
Yet priceless to the happiness present.
Creativity like no other,
Yet carried by the same origin.
May it enjoy the spot light,
For as long as God may allow it.
- Joanne German.
Raj Ferds
Tue 23rd May 2017 06:46
Keep sharing your work Joanne. WOL is a wonderful community -- very supportive.