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How can there be nothing?

How can you speak
If there's nothing to say

How can you hold on
If there's nothing to hold for?

How can you laugh
If there's nothing to be glad?

How can you feel love
If someone you love doesn't?

How can you live
If there's nothing to love?

Nothing to be sure of
Nothing to claim on
Nothing to stand on
Nothing to love for
Nothing at all

Yes love can burn you down
But love is the only hope

Hope for a new begging
Hope for a better life
Hope for a bigger road
Hope for smarter decisions
Hope for succession 

Two words that I often use
That two words you can't refuse
To hold for something new

That two words can determine deep
That two words can add up a little bit

That's says everything will be okay. That two word
That when you combine
Means a lot of things
That uses everything
That regret loving
That shutting down
All of your emotions
To just look at it and say
I can't be like this
I cannot lose it. Because there is
"NOTHING to lose HOPE"



◄ Last poem that I will right for you

Last Goodbye ►


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