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Turned into teen,

Got self-esteem,

I went out to work,

to earn my pork.


Money made my soul,

like a child smiling,

nothing seemed foul,

as I spent my earning.


Days passed swift,

I wasn't much a thrift,

hence no food in fork.

Now I knew I was broke.


Life teaches you a lesson,

but your perfidy unto it,

makes it a transgression.

You do repent it.


Now being older,

I realized what I hadn't valued,

Like that weird sweater & scarf,

That had love imbued.


Now I am broke no more,

Inadequacy did hit me sore.

I now manage finance better,

Life is no more bitter


I do not say to be thrifty,

Nor to be extravagant.

Just be equitable

 and prefer the cable.


◄ Thousand Flasks: A world so racist

Ballad of a Procrastinator ►


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